It’s time to reveal the October Book Theme of the Month! Being honest, after almost a year of doing these exclusive book themes each month, I feel like I am forcing myself into a structure rather than enjoying the art and pleasure of simply reading and sharing my thoughts on a book.
So for the month of October, I decided to…read whatever the hell I want!
That’s right. October will be “Jenny’s Choice” and I will be reading a bunch of randoms that call to me, from sequels that were just released to the numerous TBRs on my bookshelf and kindle library. You’re going to be as surprised as I am!
It was getting a bit daunting to focus on just one genre a month, when life and books are so wonderfully diverse, they aren’t meant to be categorized so structurally. And while I do have plans to finish out the year with solid themes for November and December, one is important to me as a voice in the literary world, and the other is just plain fun. But for October, I’m going to sit back and enjoy whatever strikes my fancy.
That means no prompting questions or discussions unless I feel called to ask them in the moment.
For my book giveaway, I also am going to be open—whichever of my subscribers becomes the lucky winner will have READER’S CHOICE! That’s right: you’ll get to choose whichever of my ebooks you’d like sent to you email for free. Not sure about all the books in my collection? Check them out here:
And since it is Jenny’s Choice month, I welcome any and all recommendations of good reads you’ve recently enjoyed from any genre. Bring on the shared literary journey!
What book do you think I should sink into and enjoy?