A poem in honor of my mother's 70th birthday
As she turns a young 70 today
There is so much about her I can say
She’s more than her iconic TaB and cigarettes
She’s a beautiful person that no one forgets
Her laughter fills the room with so much joy
But sometimes her opinions have us reeling, “Oh boy!”
Her love is abundant and unconditional
Her hugs leave us feeling simply sensational
She listens with understanding and love
She is truly a blessing sent from up above
We love when she tickles, teaches and bakes
And we adore all those silly faces she makes
She’s loyal to everyone who meets her
And she’s one downright feisty mamacita
She gives without limits and her kindness knows no bounds
Hearing her laughter is one of our most favorite sounds
Just her presence alone makes the world brighter
And when she’s knocked down, she’s one hell of a fighter
Funny, brave, strong, resilient and true
These wonderful qualities are all part of you
We love how she lights up when she’s in her Heaven
And we just can’t wait to see her again