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Indie Book Review: Hickory Dickory Death

Hickory Dickory Death by N.D. Testa – 3 STARS

This was a collection of five short stories that each follow the common thread of Persephone as a death avenger for those wrongfully murdered. A soul for a soul…this premise enabled the victims to return from the dead after revealing the mysteries of their death.

Some stories were better than others, but honestly, I felt like I was reading the same story over and over with very little difference—except for one story in the middle.

There were a few stories that captured my attention and kept me on my toes wondering what the reveal will be. I went back and forth between feeling the repetition and being engrossed. There was definitely some great storytelling, plot buildup, and twisted scenes, which kept me reading to the end.

Although somewhat predictable, I enjoyed the reveals of the true murderers and the secrets they held. I thought the use of poetry peppered throughout was a nice touch…in fact, I think I was more drawn to the poetic intrigue than the prose that followed because it told its own story.

Interesting read.

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