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Indie Book Review: A Thin Witchline Between Love & Hate

A Thin Witchline Between Love & Hate by T.L. Brown– 4 STARS

This fantasy fiction was a slow starter that ended up being captivating with mystery, intrigue, and constant surprises. Once you get through understanding what the different magical creatures are and how they interconnect (or don’t), the story comes into focus and becomes a continuous quest to understand who’s “good,” who’s “bad,” and who’s not what they seem—in a good way.

There is witchcraft, magic, demons, and crazy rules that all intertwine within a society that prefers to keep them separated.

It was fascinating to see today’s broken society of still separated classes, cultures, and differences mimicked in a magical world setting. I loved how the author tried to take down these boundaries and stereotypes through her character relationships; a beautiful subplot that I thought added a rich element to the storytelling.

The lengths the ingenue goes to for the sake of strengthening her witchline leaves you gasping (abusive trigger warnings—it gets brutal), but the support she finds herself surrounded by is endearing, yet potentially equally dangerous.

You sometimes don’t even know who to root for, when to be angry at someone, and when to forgive them.

It all leads to a “I need to see what happened in the next book” ending…which I am so glad is already available because I have to find out who end up dead, alive, deceived, and redeemed! Such a different story than I’m used to, but I loved it!

To learn more about the author and her book:

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