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Book of the Week: Lost and Found in Paris


Lost and Found in Paris by Lian Dolan

While in Paris myself, a romantic read based in the City of Love was a no brainer for me. Although not really all that romantic-focused in actuality, it had just enough to fall into the romance category. But what was great about this plot was the failed romance-turned-self empowerment-story that I do naturally love to read.

I’m all for a strong woman character who finds herself at a crossroad to reinvent herself.

It has all the elements of a great female comeback and triumph. It was a “will she finally let go of the toxic people and situations in her life and finally follow her heart type of conundrum” that kept you wondering how it would all pan out for her. Toss in some mystery and a few secret twists, and you’ve got me hooked.

Although the romance that was present was not as steamy as I would have liked it, there was some interesting unpredictability in how characters came apart and together, and reveals that didn’t go as expected (and yet were satisfying). I won’t spoil it for you, but I will say that I did like the author’s approach to a different kind of romantic ending, and an emphasis on the main character’s strength.

And who can resist the background of being in Paris while it all goes down?

All in all a decent read that was easy to enjoy.

To learn more about the author and her book:

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