I’ve recently reconnected back to my writing, and my heart is all lit up with such joy and fulfillment having returned to my truest passion. It doesn’t even matter what I write; books, poems, romantic texts, blogs like this—as long as I am tapping into my verbal self expression, that is all I need to feel like ym authentic self.
I could literally sit at my computer for hours lost in the magic of words, and not even come up for air—because the words simply breathe life into me.
What inspires me so? There’s a higher calling for sure, but that higher calling has to get through to me in earthly terms, and it is usually through a person or an experience. I feel moved to pick up a “pen” (or a keyboard) and reveal the words that want to imprint upon a page.
Recently, numerous muses have popped up to inspire different projects of mine that have been on the back burner. One is a sweet little Irish fairy book that I had written over a year ago, but put aside while my sister tried to figure out how to use her illustration program. Like me, her life got sidetracked by the busy, but not amazingly, we seem to have come into creative alignment, and she has been illustrating up a storm!
Her drawings then became my muse to revisit this series and fall in love with the messages that my Meri-Rose has for the children of the world.
And so, those books are now moving forward, all while having a blast connecting with my sister in the process. It has become more than a book; it’s become a sister pet project that is bringing us closer, and that means the world to me.
A dinner with my son and his friend—and most directly, the conversation with his friend, who said he would love to see something I wrote—prompted me to get back to finishing that mystery I was in the middle of. See, most of my books are not exactly kid-friendly or topics of interest to teenage boys, and I promised my son to write something for him that he could read. Seeing an interest spark in another young man led me back to my little world of mystery and a quest to see if I can stump their minds about whodunit.
Seeing my son all proud that his friend thought his mom was “cool” led him to being curious once again about my work—and me “mused” to create that experience for him.
Another muse happened to be a reminder of a date gone really wrong in the most comical of ways (afterwards). That memory—and the encouragement of my girlfriend who said “you need to write a book about this shit”—catapulted me into compiling a snarky dating book outline that pokes fun of my online dating experiences, one that I think way too many others out there will relate to. I love its playfulness and think that once in a while, I don’t need to be so serious in my writing.
But the greatest muse of all has showed up in the form of a new…someone, let’s call him. Our conversations were so enlightening that I found myself practicing prose daily as we connected. I was challenged to level up my self-expression and it only fueled my desire to write from deep within even more.
I can literally feel the emotion behind my words, and it is that spark that was missing from my purpose.
An executive-coach style conversation even opened up tremendous insights into where I was stuck, who I wanted to be, and how I was going to return back there. My “why” is reignited, along with the commitment to sit down every single day and write something. Sometimes I truly do not have the time because of a busy workday or a child commitment, but at the very least, I shoot for an update to an outline—anything that will push me forward.
Even now, as I get set to enjoy an entire birthday weekend in the bliss of doing what I love, I carved out the time to write this for posting later because I didn’t want to lose that all-important dedication to my craft. I can’t let busyness become an excuse that gets me off track again. I have messages to get out there, and while I am flexible on the timing, I am no longer accepting procrastination.
I am showing up for myself and the world—and I am grateful for the many muses that have been showing up for me.
I hope that whatever your passion is, that you find your muse behind it and just keep going. Whenever you are tuck, you simply need to close your eyes, go silent, and return to center. There cannot be a “block,” as what you create comes through you, not from you.
All you have to do is stop and listen to the wind; it carries all you will ever need to fulfill your creative destiny.