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Book of the Week: Becoming


Becoming, by Michelle Obama

Hold the political beliefs—I love reading about empowered women of all belief systems and backgrounds, plain and simple. Said and done…next!

I have to say, as a white woman reading this no-holds-barred autobiography, I learned that I cannot even fathom what it was like to grow up in a black community and face this America as a black woman. The stereotyping. The being told she wasn’t “Princeton material.” The fear and hatred. It’s hurtful that anyone in this world has to grow up in such a mean-spirited, judged, scary environment that supposed to represent freedom. We can do better, America.

It was a jarring look into a blatant cultural difference, and I have much respect for everything she—and others—continue to endure in the fight for equality.

Putting the obvious unrelatability of our childhoods and general life experiences aside for a moment, as a fellow human being and woman, I saw a lot of myself in her: the organization and attention to detail; the discomfort in chaos; the following the “should” life instead of the heart life; swerving with the unexpected; the caring too much about what others think; and the refusing to back down and being courageous when ready to follow her heart.

She is a strong, independent, smart, badass woman who isn’t afraid to speak her mind and stand up for what’s right. She fights for those who may not otherwise believe in themselves or the system. She loves deeply and profoundly, and is an amazing mama bear. I don’t know if personally I would have had the fortitude to push aside myself or compromise so deeply for my partner, but that’s true love right there—she still found herself in the sacrifice, and that was a very powerful journey to witness.

I’ve become a fan of much that she stands for as a mom and as a woman. It doesn’t matter what your political views are, or what your opinions are about the Obamas or that administration. If you want to read a come-from-nothing success story of a woman scrutinized by the public and still rose above, I’d highly recommend keeping an open mind. Truly insightful autobiography.

To hear more about my thoughts how I connected to her character, check out my video book review, Find Yourself in a Character:

To learn more about Becoming:

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