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Be Fearless in Professional Pursuits


No one really talks about fear in the workplace, but it exists. Instead, the term “risk” is used when it comes to business, as in being risk-tolerant or risk-adverse. It’s a way of conceptualizing and logically explaining why someone would take a certain course of action or not, but in reality, the idea of risk is not so different than fear.

The truth is: risk adversity is fear in disguise.

Many don’t pursue their career goals because they don’t want to make a mistake, not realizing that mistakes are important life lessons that lead us to truth, new possibilities and wisdom—even in business. Are you finding yourself so stuck that you can’t move your goals forward?

What fears (or “risks”) are holding you back in your professional life? What steps are you reluctant to take on the path to career success?

When you find yourself in a risky or fearful situation, here are some tips on how you can move yourself forward.

  • Acknowledge the Fear/Risk. Identifying it is the first step to eliminating it. What is lying at the core of this fear? Are you worried your message or product won’t be well received; that you’ll lose money; or that you won’t get the exposure you’re hoping for? Whatever it is, note it. Write down all the cons or obstacles in your way.

  • Consider the Alternative. Now that you know what you are concerned about, reposition your thoughts. What if your customers/audience will love it? What if sales are through the roof? What if your idea is so newsworthy that multiple publications spread the good word? Write down all the pros and how this could change your life for the better. Sometimes all it takes is a thought transformation to turn fear or risk into action.

  • Decide Which Path to Take. Now that you see both sides of the spectrum, it’s time to find out how important this goal really is to you. Of course, it is natural to take an assessment of the path you are about to embark on and do your research for the best actions, timing and resources to support your efforts. But if you don’t take any action and just let the fear keep you from taking that first step, you won’t ever know if you can achieve it. (In fact, the best achievements are those born out of multiple failures. Ask any guru or billionaire!)

  • Get Comfortable with Getting Uncomfortable. If you move forward, you may very well be faced with failure, lose money or otherwise make a mistake. Accept that the path may not be an easy one or that detours may get in the way. Also accept that success may happen quicker than you expect. Get comfortable with the notion that risk is an essential part of success, and that you can measure it and weigh the possibilities, but in the end, only those who purposely and fearlessly move forward are those who make life happen.

The whole concept of taking a risk is scary; you never know what will happen, and we tend to think negatively about the “unknown.” The reality is, if you want to be afraid of something, be afraid of what you are missing by holding back. Life is meant to be experienced, not avoided. Is a life without these experiences worth the false safety net of fear?

Focus on the rewards that lie ahead of you for being brave. You were brave enough to participate in this world; now be fearless about living in it.

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