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Monthly New Moon Videos & Personalized Reports

Moonlighting as a new moon astrologer, my monthly videos review the most recent new moon energies, including the universal energies, plus common blocks and fears to manifesting in that vibration. This month's new moon is:


Aries in Action - April 11, 2021 @ 7:30pm pacific time














Order Your Personalized New Moon Intentions Report!


To order your personalized New Moon Intentions Report for only $50, click the button below. In your report, receive an overview of the universal energies, your personal sun sign energies, your rising sign energies, any special planetary influences and personalized questions for you to reflect on while setting your intentions.


Once you submit payment, you'll be directed to a form to fill out the information I need to run your astrological chart. IMPORTANT: After paying, please click the "Return the Merchant" link so that you will be brought to your information form. (If you don't receive the form, simply reach out to me at and I'll be happy to send it to you!)


From there, in only 48-72 hours' time, you'll receive your unique report delivered right to your inbox!







Check back here each more to enjoy the latest episodes, or simply SUBSCRIBE HERE to automatically be notified of new releases!


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Soul School Series Books!


Looking for a resource to teach your kids all about astrology, or even get some basic information for yourself? Check out my entire line of Cosmic Kids Club books that take you through an introductory journey through astrology--and even teach yourself how to read your own chart! Learn more HERE.



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